Meet RealPeople and RealBrands: New BeReal Engagement Opportunities

BeReal—the social media platform celebrated for its authentic, in-the-moment photo sharing—has introduced "RealPeople" and "RealBrands." Also known as official accounts, these important features will finally afford celebrities, athletes, artists, activists, and brands the opportunity to create official BeReal accounts.

The update is an expansion of the RealPeople feed, which BeReal had already been testing. They aim to show that celebrities are “just like us,” sharing unfiltered, unedited, unscripted moments.

For brands, this is an opportunity to showcase promotions and offers in a new, authentic light.


How Does it Work?

This move enables brands and celebrities to sign up by following the prompt in the app (see above).

The platform is now accepting applications from accounts wishing to be featured in these feeds. You can also follow these instructions to apply manually:

  • Ensure you’re logged in to the correct account, and tap your profile photo in the upper right corner.

  • Enter your settings using the three-dot menu, then tap Request RealPerson or RealBrand Account.

  • Complete the form and submit!

Unfortunately, they may not accept everyone: “We’ll be upfront and say not everyone will get an account. We still encourage you to throw your hat in the ring!”

The eligibility criteria outlined on the website focus on being “a notable person or brand.” They will check for being highly-searched, ffeatured in multiple news sources, etc. The list of additional considerations includes:

  • Authenticity: Represent a real person or registered business/entity.

  • Uniqueness: “Only one RealPeople or RealBrand account per person, business, or entity may be issued.” Country- or language-specific accounts will not yet be available.

  • Completeness: The account must have a bio and profile photo.

  • Technical criteria: The account must enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and you won’t be able to change the name of your profile after acceptance.

The first round of brands and celebrities will be revealed on a launch on February 6, 2024.

Regular users, now dubbed "RealFans," will then be able to follow these accounts, engage by tagging them in posts, and even see their posts re-shared by these notable figures.

[A person or brand] will create BeReal accounts and share content that you can engage with in unique ways by becoming a RealFan. You’ll also be able to tag them in your BeReal so they can see and even re-share your BeReal!
— BeReal Team

Why it Matters

The introduction of RealPeople and RealBrands marks a significant milestone for marketing via BeReal.

The app has seen decreasing interest in recent months, but could the opportunity for brands and celebrities to promote themselves with an official account breathe new life into the platform?

Being an early adopter of this feature could set a brand or celebrity apart, offering a unique opportunity to connect with audiences in a way that feels real and uncontrived. So if you meet the eligibility criteria, consider applying now to get early access to this new opportunity.


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