March 2020 Social Media Updates You Need to Know

In this month’s social media roundup, we’re covering:

…and more!

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LinkedIn and Twitter are testing Stories features

Stories have ben taking over social media for years, and now Twitter and LinkedIn are both ready to jump onboard.

Twitter’s new Stories-like feature is called Fleets (because they are fleeting, get it?!). Fleets will show up in a carousel at the top of the screen similar to how Stories appear on other channels. They will be limited to 280 characters, with the option to add visuals. There will be no way to like, retweet, or reply.

Fleets are only available in Brazil, but the feature is likely to roll out to the US before long.

LinkedIn’s “new conversational format” was announced as an internal test by a higher up at the company, who acknowledged the benefits of Stories on other channels while asking: “Does that exist in the business world?” There are no more details available about the product yet, so stay tuned!

Why it matters: Stories have caught on in a big way. Soon, marketers will have a new location to consider for their social media strategy mix.

Your FB Page can now be auto-tagged in Stories from IG

Speaking of Stories… While they originally gained popularity on Snapchat and Instagram, their popularity has been growing on Facebook, too. If your Instagram account is properly linked to a Facebook page, it’s possible to crosspost Stories from Instagram to Facebook. You can also set this up to run automatically. Sharing Stories from Facebook to Instagram is also being tested.

One seemingly small feature has also started popping up, and it could make a big difference for some business pages: When your account is tagged in an Instagram story that's shared to Facebook, the Facebook story can automatically link to your Page. Once you have your accounts linked, visit your Facebook Page’s Settings menu to ensure this feature is turned on.

Why it matters: Here’s an easy way to make sure you’re getting the most reach possible on Facebook Stories!

FB Messenger iOS app is now Simpler, Smaller, and Faster

An internal Facebook project dubbed “Project Lightspeed” by the Engineering team has recently culminated in the release of what the company says is a much-improved Messenger app for iOS. The official announcement explains that the app has been rebuilt “from the ground up” in order to be “faster, smaller and simpler.” The new app will be “twice as fast and one-forth it's original size.”

Another aspect of the redesign:

“…it also lays the foundation to fulfill our vision for private messaging and interoperability across apps, allowing us to scale our messaging experience in the future.”


Why it matters: As social media has moved toward private messaging and small groups, Facebook is following suit and investing heavily in apps to support this. These moves are definitely worth keeping an eye on, since there are engagement and advertising opportunities offered through apps like Messenger.

TikTok Adds Sticker Pinning

TikTok has been busy playing catch up with some of the features we’ve come to expect on our social media platforms. This past month, two features stuck out:

  • Sticker pinning – Like Instagram and Snapchat, TikTok now lets users “pin” images to certain parts of the video. (Learn more on Social Media Today).

  • Website links on profiles – This is a big one for brands who want to create traffic avenues from their social channels back to the website. (Learn more on Social Media Today).


Now Introducing: STICKER PINNING! Pin stickers to your videos and make magic happen.

♬ original sound - tiktok

Why it matters: TikTok continues to quickly embrace the features of better-established platforms on its quest for… World dominance? Whatever the goals, we’ll continue keep eyes on this platform for new reach and engagement opportunities.

Exciting New Social Media Data to Ponder

A Forbes article recently highlighted a number of thought-provoking new statistics about social media use that caught the eyes of our team:


Why it matters: The data above suggests a number of tactical shifts that could make a big difference in social media strategies, from bigger investments in content, to “leading TO your product vs. always WITH it.”

Have thoughts that we missed? Leave a comment on Matthew’s post!

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The expert team at Dooley Social Studio helps brands get attention by being thoughtful about how they give it. Our goal is to make every social interaction with your company a remarkable one. Get in touch to find out how a partnership with Dooley Social Studio can grow your brand. 

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