LinkedIn Will Suggest Useful Posts for Months (Even Years!) After Publication

A big change is coming to the LinkedIn feed which could make it so the best posts continue to get views for months or even years after publication.

This is according to an article in Entrepreneur as well as a recent newsletter published by one of LinkedIn’s senior engineers, Tim Jurka, stating that LinkedIn wants to “match people to the best content for them and what they need at that moment.”

Here’s what you need to know!

Right now, content lives and dies on the newsfeed very quickly. We’re trying to collect the sum total of professional knowledge on our platform, and make sure it surfaces whenever you need it.
— Tim Jurka, a senior director of engineering at LinkedIn

The team working on this is focused on identifying “uniquely useful” posts and then suggesting them to users precisely when they need it most.

This updated suggested posts feature is currently being tested, so you may see it on your feed soon.

Thought Leader Ads

Several additional important changes are coming to LinkedIn, too. The most exciting to us is what’s being called thought leadership ads – the ability to promote someone else’s post as an ad.

  • Consider seeing a post by someone praising your product or service. You will soon be able to directly promote it to your audience, exponentially increasing the value of this genuine endorsement.

  • There may also be opportunities to leverage employee or partner posts as ads/boosted posts, too.

Moving away from “Creators”

In the coming weeks, LinkedIn plans to get rid of what it has called creator mode and make its tools (such as hosting video and audio events, and deeper post analytics) open to everyone.

It appears that LinkedIn would prefer that ALL users consider themselves “creators” on the platform. According to LinkedIn editor in chief Dan Roth, the author of the now-removed “Creator Weekly” LinkedIn newsletter: "Our members told us that [‘creator’] was not something they identified with."

You can read about the sunsetting/democratization(?) of Creator Mode in our recent blog post, RIP Creator Mode.

Learn More

You can listen to the Entrepreneur Problem Solvers podcast episode below, featuring LinkedIn insiders discussing the development of suggested posts and other new tools, the impact of feed algorithm changes, their move away from the term “creator,” and why you “shouldn’t trust reports about how to optimize your posts.”

Why it Matters

Here’s how brands and social media pros can make the most of these developments:

  • Look out for opportunities to boost personal profile posts. When this feature rolls out, it could present a great opportunity. Just be cognizant of your relationship with the user in question and consider reaching out for permission before boosting.

  • Invest in great content: This is always important, but could lead even higher ROI now. High-quality, informative, and engaging content optimized for the LinkedIn platform will not only grab attention in a feed full of unfamiliar faces, but could resonate and drive views, introductions, and more for many months to come.

  • Engage with the community: As always, don't just broadcast, participate in conversations! Respond to comments on your posts, join relevant discussions, and engage with other users' content. This will help establish your brand as a thought leader and build trust with potential customers. You’ll also learn more about what your audience values, so you can craft better posts.


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